New Updates!
Facilitators Training begins October 4th, 2021
Have you registered for our new 8 week online training for Facilitators of MSC Ongoing Formation? Click here

Sharing the Word Online Library of Resources
The Sharing the Word eLibrary provides full text and free online access to a wide array of English language resources in the areas of Catholic faith, living and spirituality, history and culture.
While set up as an information and self-education resource for all, it specifically addresses the information needs of theological students, seminarians, clergy and pastoral workers by providing an integrated access point to the spiritual and intellectual riches of the Christian heritage.
The material can be read on screen, downloaded to your e-devices, often in various formats, or be printed. This growing elibrary, started in 2014, provides direct links to the full text of over 13,000 open source (i.e. freely available) ebooks, periodical titles, periodical articles and essays, Church documents, theses, podcasts, etc. as well as major relevant websites.
Click here to access the eLibrary from the latest Updates menu or sidebar

We have changed our Email Subscriber!
We were having problems with our existing subscriber service. Apologies if you received unusual emails form us.
If you do experience any difficulties in future please let us know. Thanks!!
Enjoy your reading!
Chris for the Ongoing Formation Commission