A Newsletter of Reports and Activities from Lay Members of the Chevalier Family across the world.
How To Use This Edition
Encounter of Hearts is one of the most important modes of communication within the Chevalier Family. It has been compiled by the International Council. This edition offers reflections from significant Chevalier Family members, reports and articles on the Assembly, and information following the Assembly for distribution and discussion with your members. Our sincere hope is that it does not get lost but rather, that it becomes a resource and guide for your group discussions and formation for the upcoming year.
Section One offers introductions to those who have committed to work with you and to support you in their leadership. Of particular importance is the Editorial by Sr Merle and the Reflection by Sr Fabilene on behalf of theTrigeneralate group.
Section Two is a very important part of the newsletter. It contains the final and definitive documents that guide our structures and operation and is the place you can go when you need to access those documents for your own use.
Section Three contains reminders of the personal and national commitments that were made during the Assembly in response to the formative challenges that were a feature of the Assembly program. They serve as a reminder for those who were present and an ongoing formative challenge for the whole membership.
Thank you.
International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family | Encounter of Hearts | July 2024