At the Generalate level we often hear the cry for more energy to be given to ongoing formation. Well, this week 13 MSC from different entities around the congregation, began the first online MSC Ongoing Formation Facilitators Training. Course Participants come from Venezuela, Southern Africa, U.A.F, India, Philippines, Spain and Australia. The Ongoing Formation Commission is grateful and delighted to have each of them involved in the course.
The aim of the course is to begin the process of training members as facilitators for MSC ongoing formation so that in each entity we have people at the local level able to resource local ongoing formation initiatives. The General Conference gave its formal recognition to this training course so that those who complete it can confidently facilitate MSC groups. Having trained facilitators in ongoing formation will also provide future personnel for regional ongoing formation teams such as Cor America and Cor Vitae. We hope by this training to establish in those who participate in a sense of the importance of their own personal ongoing formation, professional supervision and personal spiritual direction, and to gain a sense of the importance of MSC ongoing formation being deeply rooted in Heart Spirituality. Part of the vision is the development of communities of ongoing formation across the Congregation and the growth of communities of MSC Ongoing Formation Facilitators.
The course, delivered online, is divided into 8 Modules. Each module, apart from the Orientation and Concluding Modules, has 5 Units (or Lessons). The Orientation Module consists only of preparatory information, as well as setting up technical requirements to participate online. Apart from the modules participants are expected to weekly join an Online Learning Community and attend Accompaniment session with their designated trainer.
Accompanying the course participants are Tony Nolan msc from the Irish Province, Humberto Henrique msc from the General Leadership Team, Ireneo Lee msc from the South Korean Province, George Diabone msc from U.A.F., and Chris Chaplin msc from the General Leadership Team. Please keep all our men in this ongoing formation program in your prayers.
Ongoing formation can’t happen if there are not people appointed to this vital work. Ongoing Formation can be resourced by the Generalate but in fact it has to be initiated by the leadership of provinces, unions and other administrative bodies. We hope to run the course again next year, so if someone from your entity hasn’t enrolled this year, we invite you to start considering who can join us for the second training.
Chris Chaplin msc