Dear JPIC coordinators/animators,
The US Conference of Major Superiors of Men is pleased to offer a JPIC webinar on restorative justice, featuring Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy of Catholic Mobilizing Network, Judge Thomas Donnelly of the Catholic Criminal Justice Reform Network, and Fr. David Kelly, CPPS of the Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation.
The webinar will be July 11 from 3-4pm ET. If you are interested, please find a full description of the event and register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_q2AtpTZQRiO_HpWQWMPPog
Thank you to those of you who have already registered! We look forward to seeing many of you on July 11. If anyone has any questions, please contact me.
Pax Christi,
David Rohrer Budiash
Director of Programs
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
PO Box 118 Greenbelt, MD 20768, 240.436.1311
Brother Warren Perrotto, MSC
3300 Station Avenue, Center Valley, PA 18034-9563