The 2017 Chapter recommended the establishment of an Ongoing Formation Team. In order to distinguish between the existing ongoing formation teams like Cor Vitae or Cor America, this group was established as a Commission of the General Administration.
The Acta of the General Chapter states;
#8. We recommend the establishment of an On-Going Formation Team.
- Under the responsibility of the General Administration, to come under the portfolio of one of the General Council.
- Drawing on the multiple existing resources of the Society (Cor America, Cor Vitae, personnel and program resources)
- Using the variety of means available (e.g.; I.T., etc) to coordinate on-going formation for all members and entities.
- The members of the team reside in their country(s) of origin and cooperate with one another internationally through electronic media.
- The team should research, plan and co-ordinate programs of renewal in all the areas that have been named as priorities; leadership, financial accountability, quality and integrity of our community life, ageing, healing.
- Formation for finance personnel should include formation in Charism and Spirituality, as well as accountability, transparency, etc.
- Formation for community to build stronger and deeper connections in our communion in brotherhood, by actively encouraging the method of shared discernment across our community gatherings world-wide, and ensuring it is at the core of all we do.
- Formation for the graced time of ageing should include creating opportunities to engender a positive attitude towards the ageing process, rather than focusing on diminishment. To care for the aged as persons, reinforcing their valued presence within our common life. Helping the aged to accept the new reality of ageing.
- Formation in healing includes coordinating and resourcing the Society with healing methodologies and practices.
- To bring about a shift in the way we think about ourselves and our hurts and woundedness.
- To help us become “wounded healers” able to be less defensive/protective about ourselves, and grow in our capacity for mission in a broken hurting world.
- In initial Formation, formators need to have formed a healthy relationship with their own hurts and wounds in order to initiate and process the life’s hurts of the formandi.
- Formandi need to be engaged actively in this task of healing to ensure unhealthy attitudes are not perpetuated post-formation when it is more difficult to confront them.
- A ministry of healing to be available to all members, leaders, communities and entities
Core Values
The Commission recognises that its own operation has to be consistent with the principles underlying the approach it takes to ongoing formation. Hence, its system of reference is guided by these Core Values:
- To discover and affirm that each member is loved
- Transcending self
- Sharing our stories with one another brings change and growth
- Spending time together builds community and strengthens brotherhood
- Honesty
- Patience
- Silence enables what is heard to mature
- Creating and sharing sacred and safe spaces enables vulnerability
- Willingness to take risk and to enter vulnerability promotes trust
- Respectful listening builds respect

Commission Members
The current members are
Chris Chaplin msc

Chris is a member of the General Leadership Team in Rome and from the Australian Province. He took vows on January 14th, 1984 and was ordained August 20th, 1988. After six years in a parish, he completed a full-time training in Spiritual Direction at Heart of Life Centre, Melbourne and was appointed to three years facilitating retreats for staff and students of Australian MSC Colleges. In 1997 he began three years of living an MSC eremitical life. He served on the Australian Provincial Council from 1998 to 2000. He worked in initial formation in the Pacific Union for six years, with two years as a principal of Chevalier Farm Training Centre in Fiji. Upon returning to Australia he had three years as director of St. Mary’s Towers Retreat Centre, Douglas Park, before resuming eremitical life for a further nine years. Throughout all his appointments he has maintained ministries in Spiritual Accompaniment and Psychotherapy. In 2017 he was elected to the General Leadership Team and has responsibility for the Ongoing Formation portfolio, Tri-Generalate Liaison with Cor Vitae, as well as other ministries. His geographical mandate is the Western APIA region. Most importantly Chris is committed to the value and practice of his own ongoing formation, spiritual accompaniment and personal work.
Bachelor Theology (Melbourne College of Divinity, 1987)
Drawing Art Certificate (NSW TAFE Darlinghurst Campus, 1986)
Cartooning Certificate (Leichhardt/Marrickville College, NSW, 1987)
Full time 12 months INSTEP. Clinical Pastoral Education. Melbourne 1982. (400hrs supervised practice)
Certificate in Emotional Release Counselling (ERCNSW – Ellenborough, NSW, 1999)
Diploma in Emotional Release Counselling (ERCNSW – Ellenborough, NSW, 2001)
Certificate in Emotional Release Counselling for Children (ERCNSW – Ellenborough, NSW, 1997)
Certificate in Spiritual Direction Siloam – Heart of Life, Melbourne
Pioneer and continuous member of the Association of Transpersonal and Experiential Psychotherapy – ATEP Inc.
Member of the Conference of Spiritual Directors Australia – CSD Australia
Facilitated Personal Growth Weekends. Douglas Park N.S.W. 1995
MSC Education Retreat Team. Faith and personal growth retreats 1995 – 1997
Children’s Emotional Release Workshops. Darwin, N.T., 1996
Men’s Emotional Healing Weekends. Darwin, NSW and Victoria, 1996 – 2014
Annual Retreat Programs. Douglas Park N.S.W. 2007 -2010
Public Retreats and Workshops. Australia 1998-2017, Kiribati 2007, Malaysia 2016 & 2018,
Vietnam 2017 and the Philippines 2018, 2019.
“At The Well”, 3 week Personal Formation programme. Corpus Christi Teachers College, Suva, Fiji. 2004
Enneagram process retreats and workshops, TEP NSW, TEP Victoria and CLC Adelaide, 2008 – 2017
Facilitation of MSC: Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Australian Missions Conference, 2007. APIA Formators Conferences Japan 2016 and Sydney 2018. Cor Vitae Formators Training modules 2017 and 2019. MSC General Conference, Busan, Korea, 2019.
Process-oriented spirituality programs, Heart of Life Spirituality Centre, Melbourne 2010-2017. Presenter Cor Vitae ongoing formation programs.
Ireneo Lee msc

Ireneo is Formation Director in the Korean Province. He has been a Formator at the Novitiate both in the Philippines and South Korea since 2016. He was first professed on January 25th 2009, and made his Perpetual Profession, January 25th 2012. He was ordained to the Priesthood, January 8th 2014.
MA in Biblical Theology
Certificate in Cor Vitae, MSC Formator Formation Program, Manila
Certificate in Formation Courses for Formators, Emmaus Psycho-Spiritual Formation Center, Manila
Accredited Supervisor Teen STAR(Sexuality teaching in the context of adult responsibility)
Tony Nolan msc

Tony is a member of the Irish Province and a Provincial Councillor. He has more than thirty years experience working reflectively with a wide range of groups and individuals including ordinands, parish councils, clergy, lay groups and religious. In 1993, Tony started working ecumenically and spent eight years as an ecumenical university chaplain. He has continued to work closely with those in ministerial leadership in other denominations especially the Church of England and the Methodist Church including three years on the academic staff of Sarum Theological College in Salisbury, England. Tony is an experienced group facilitator, supervisor, trainer of supervisors, spiritual director and supervisor or supervision. He lives in Bridgwater, Somerset (UK) where, he works as an ecumenical freelance facilitator specialising in ministerial development, spiritual adult formation and clergy support.
Postgraduate Certificate in Conflict Resolution Skills
Postgraduate Diploma in Consultative (Clinical) Supervision
MA in Celtic Christianity
Certificate in Mindful-based Supervision
Appreciative Inquiry Champions Training
Professional Certificate in Mediation Skills
Certificate in Facilitation Skills
Senior Accredited Supervisor Association of Pastoral Supervision & Education (APSE)
Full Member Supervisors Association of Ireland. (SAI)
Founding Member. Institute of Pastoral Supervision and Reflective Practice (IPSRP)
Member Independent Supervisors Network UK. (ISN)
Spiritual Accompaniment Training Course Waterford, Ireland
Enriching Ministry: the practice of supervision Sarum Theological College, Salisbury
Reflective Practice, MA in Leadership. Sarum Theological College, Salisbury
Certificate in Pastoral Supervision & Reflective Practice IPSRP
Reflective Practice Groups for newly ordained clergy Dioceses Salisbury & Portsmouth
Chapter and Assembly Facilitation
Churches Together Leadership Groups Facilitation
Consultant Supervisor for a Roman Catholic Diocese, UK
Organisational Review, Church of England Diocese of Bath
Facilitation of the Trustees of the Community Chaplains Association
Wendy Bignell

My name is Wendy Bignell. I am located in Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. I am married with four adult children and five grandchildren.
I have spent my 35+ year career in primary school education….25 years as a Catholic School Principal. Recognising that deeper answers were needed in the complexity of dealing with persons holistically, I left the Lismore Catholic School System in 2008.
I completed a Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction the next year. It entailed a year’s live-in study ‘SILOAM’ in Melbourne at the Heart of Life Centre. I had already trained in Emotional Release Counselling (ERC), graduating in 2000. ERC’s modalities include Symbolwork, Reaction Processing, Holotropic Breathwork, Sandplay, Voice Dialogue, Dreamwork, Gestalting, Mandala Drawing, Child /Adult Separation Processes and Somatic Bodywork. I did further study on this field and became a Trainer in what is now called Transpersonal and Experiential Psychotherapy (TEP).
My other studies have included a Teaching Diploma, A Masters in Educational Leadership (which was built upon 10 units of Bachelor of Social Science and contained a Mentoring Unit. I also completed a Graduate Diploma in Religious Education.
I am currently a Clinical Psychotherapist, registered with (PACFA) which is the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia. My professional association (ATEP), the Association of Transpersonal and Experiential Psychotherapists is currently looking to restructure its training into mainly online and face-to-face delivery.
Since 2009, I have run a private practice in Psychotherapy, with Workshops, Spiritual Direction and Retreat work. I have also co-facilitated TEP Training during this time. I have heart for accompaniment of individuals and groups. I am a lifelong learner. As I age, I am still afire to learn and to share what I have learnt.
I have been surprised and excited by the invitation this year to become more fully engaged in Ongoing Formation with the MSC’s
1. by becoming a member of the Ongoing Formation Commission.
2. I will also become a Trainer/Accompanist in Ongoing Formation with the 2025 Training in the Practice of Group Facilitation Course.
At the core of me, I recognise and acknowledge that this journey has been Spirit led. I resonate strongly with the MSC Charism. I am deeply enriched by Heart Spirituality in my life. I see Ongoing Formation as a thread weaving through my life in Education, as a participant in Transpersonal and Experiential Psychotherapy and now with these opportunities.
I hope to continue to learn and share, with others during this process and am grateful to be here. Thank you.
Mario Roessler

Mario Roessler, membro da Província de Curitiba – Brasil. Fiz os primeiros Votos no dia 02 de fevereiro de 1985. Formado em Contabilidade. Cursos de Filosofia e Teologia. Ordenado sacerdote em 12 de janeiro de 1991. Os trabalhos foram em Piauí, Brasil, durante quatro anos. Depois seis anos na Formação inicial acompanhando os jovens do Postulantado e Pré-Noviciado; três anos no Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Sagrado Coração em Curitiba – Brasil; dois anos na Animação Vocacional na Província. A partir de 2006 na missão no Equador até final de 2012. Do início de 2013 a início de 2017 como Assessor da Formação Continuada da Conferência dos Religiosos do Brasil. No ano de 2017, durante 4 meses, fiz o PAF = Programa de Acompanhamento e Formação na Guatemala; os outros meses foram como um tempo de sabático. De início de 2018 a início de 2020 fui Mestre de Noviços no Noviciado Interprovincial do Brasil. De 2020 a 2022 trabalhei na Paróquia Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, em Curitiba – Brasil. De abril de 2022 até agora estou em Quito, Equador, na Paróquia El Buen Pastor de Turubamba. Desde 2016 sou membro da Equipe do COR AMÉRICA. Fiz o Curso de Facilitação em Grupos em espanhol e português no ano de 2024.
Mario Roessler, member of the Curitiba Province – Brazil. I made my first vows on 2nd February 1985. Graduated in Accounting. Philosophy and Theology courses. Ordained a priest on 12 January 1991. Worked in Piauí, Brazil, for four years. Then six years in initial formation accompanying the young men in the Postulancy and Pre-Novitiate; three years at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Curitiba – Brazil; two years in Vocation Animation in the Province. From 2006 in the mission in Ecuador until the end of 2012. From the beginning of 2013 to the beginning of 2017 as the Continuing Formation Advisor for the Conference of Religious of Brazil. In 2017, for 4 months, I did the PAF = Accompaniment and Formation Programme in Guatemala; the other months were like a sabbatical. From the beginning of 2018 to the beginning of 2020, I was Novice Master at the Interprovincial Novitiate in Brazil. From 2020 to 2022 I worked at Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora Parish in Curitiba – Brazil. From April 2022 until now I’ve been in Quito, Ecuador, at El Buen Pastor Parish in Turubamba. Since 2016 I have been a member of the COR AMERICA Team. I took the Group Facilitation Course in Spanish and Portuguese in 2024.
Didier Mbela

Didier Mbela, msc est membre de l’Union d’Afrique Francophone. Il est actuellement responsable du Pré-Noviciat MSC de l’UAF, en RD. Congo (Kimwenza). Il a émis ses Premiers vœux 28 août 2013. Après sa Licence en théologie (2013-2016) à l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale (UCAC) à Youndé (Cameroun), il a passé son expérience de Stage diversifié à Yalusaka, à la paroisse Saint François d’Assise (diocèse de Bokungu-Ikela : 2016-2018). Il a émis ses Vœux perpétuels à Yalusaka le 11 Juin 2017, et a été ordonné prêtre 13 Mai 2018 à Kinshasa, en RD.Congo.
Voici son itinéraire après son ordination sacerdotale :
• 2018-2021: Formateur & Econome au Foyer de Righini (Etudiant en Psychologie Clinique à l’USAKIN)
• 2019-2021: Chargé de la Pastorale Vocationnelle du District MSC du Congo
• 2019-2021: Gestionnaire au Complexe Scolaire Notre Dame du Sacré-Coeur de Kisenso à Kinshasa.
• Août 2021-Mars 2022: Mission de Formation en Anglais et de prospection à de l’installation des MSC à Nairobi, Kenya.
• Octobre 2022- Février 2023 : Diploma en Safeguarding à l’Université Pontificale Grégorienne (UPG) à Rome.
• Depuis Février 2023: nommé Délégué de l’UAF à la Protection des Mineurs et Adultes vulnérables.
• Juillet-Novembre 2023: Vicaire à Marie Madeleine à Kinshasa.
• Membre du Conseil du District 2020-2021, puis depuis Septembre 2023 jusqu’à ce jour.
• Depuis 15 Novembre 2023: Responsable du Pré-Noviciat MSC de l’UAF (Righini, puis Kimwenza).
• Depuis Juin 2024: Coordonnateur de l’Association des Formateurs de Kinshasa.
• Depuis Octobre 2024: Master en Psychologie clinique de l’Université Saint Augustin de Kinshasa (USAKIN), et nommé Assistant-Professeur à la même Université.
Didier Mbela, msc is a member of the Union of Francophone Africa. He is currently responsible for the MSC Pre-Novitiate of the UAF, in DR Congo (Kimwenza). He took his First Vows on August 28, 2013. After his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology (2013-2016) at the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC) in Youndé (Cameroon), he spent his Diversified Internship experience in Yalusaka, at the parish of Saint Francis of Assisi (diocese of Bokungu-Ikela: 2016 2018). He made his perpetual vows in Yalusaka on June 11, 2017, and was ordained a priest on May 13, 2018 in Kinshasa, DR Congo.
Here is his itinerary after his priestly ordination:
• 2018-2021: Trainer & Econome at the Foyer de Righini (Student in Clinical Psychology at USAKIN)
• 2019-2021: Responsible for Vocational Pastoral Care for the MSC District of Congo
• 2019-2021: Manager at the Notre Dame du Sacré-Coeur School Complex from Kisenso to Kinshasa.
• August 2021-March 2022: English Training and Prospecting Mission in of the MSC installation in Nairobi, Kenya.
• October 2022- February 2023: Diploma in Safeguarding at the University Pontifical Gregorian (UPG) in Rome.
• Since February 2023: appointed UAF Delegate for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults.
• July-November 2023: Vicar at Marie Madeleine in Kinshasa.
• Member of the District Council 2020-2021, then from September 2023 until today.
• Since November 15, 2023: Responsible for the Pre-Novitiate MSC of the UAF (Righini, then Kimwenza). • Since June 2024: Coordinator of the Association of Trainers of Kinshasa.
• Since October 2024: Master in Clinical Psychology from the University of Saint Augustine of Kinshasa (USAKIN), and appointed Assistant Professor at the same University

Program Creation
The Commission will research, plan and co-ordinate programs of renewal in all the areas that have been named as priorities;
- Formation in leadership, team ministry. management, administration, transition, conflict transformation, human resources, group dynamics, self-care and healing, processes of evaluation. Facilitating leadership vision and mission.
- Formation for Formators.
- Formation for finance personnel should include formation in Charism and Spirituality, as well as accountability, transparency, etc.
- Formation for community to build stronger and deeper connections in our communion in brotherhood, by actively encouraging the method of shared discernment across our community gatherings world-wide, and ensuring it is at the core of all we do.
- Formation for the graced time of ageing should include creating opportunities to engender a positive attitude towards the ageing process, rather than focusing on diminishment. To care for the aged as persons, reinforcing their valued presence within our common life. Helping the aged to accept the new reality of ageing.
- Formation in healing includes coordinating and resourcing the Society with healing methodologies and information; To bring about a shift in the way we think about ourselves and our hurts and woundedness. To help us become “wounded healers”, less defensive or protective about ourselves, and grow in our capacity for mission in a broken hurting world. To enable formators to develop a healthy relationship with their own hurts, in order to process the hurts of formandi and ensure they can live a healthy MSC life. To develop a ministry of healing for leaders, communities and entities.
Resourcing MSC Entities
The Commission will create a range of resources to be made available to our entities. These will include;
- A printed handbook of programs detailing possible strategies for ongoing formation in areas named as priorities.
- Where needed and through the mechanisms in the General Administration the Commission will establish resource teams for program implementation. Not all programs will need specialist personnel to implement them. The Commission will work to keep the implementation of ongoing formation at the local level where possible, to avoid costly travel and heavy organisational structures.
- training workshops when needed, for those local members chosen to implement or facilitate programs.
- a list of MSC and non-MSC personnel suitable for facilitating ongoing formation programs.
- a catalogue of MSC and non-MSC ongoing formation programs already available in different regions.
- a variety of resource media in areas of ongoing formation. One example of this is the printing of books on Communal Wisdom for the use of members.
- The Commission is directly accountable to the General Administration.
- It will include in its calendar an annual evaluation of its work to assess how well it is working to fulfil its mandate, how well it is functioning as a team, and what changes may need to be made in its operation.
- It will present an annual report on this to the General Administration.
- All programs will request some evaluation of the content and process used from facilitators and those who have participated. The purpose of the evaluation is to gather information that may lead the Commission to make improvements in content, process or methods of facilitation.
- Those engaged in implementing or facilitating programs on behalf of the Ongoing Formation Commission will be asked to make use of similar evaluative procedures and will be accountable to the Ongoing Formation Commission.
- Facilitators engaged by MSC entities are accountable to those entities.
Relationship to MSC Entities
- The Commission comes under the responsibility of the General Administration and under the portfolio of one of the General Council.
- Ongoing formation in an MSC Entity is the responsibility of the Major Superior of that Entity, not the Ongoing Formation Commission. Entities are required to have their own ongoing formation team or responsible person.
- Adaption of programs to local contexts and realities is the responsibility of the MSC Entity. The Ongoing Formation Commission will gladly collaborate in this process.
- The Commission works in collaboration with regional bodies such APIA, CA-MSC and PEC, and with the existing formation teams of Cor Vitae, Cor America, Ametur (Indonesia), and qualified members.
The Commission budget covers; an annual meeting, several online meetings using a dedicated service, printing and translation of resources.