Omnes Gentes Colloquium on Mission: 100 Years after Maximum Illud

The Omnes Gentes International Colloquium on Mission Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, was held in Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 2019 to celebrate 100 years after Maximum Illud.

Maximum Illud is an Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XV issued on November 30, 1919, in the sixth year of his pontificate. It deals with the Catholic missions after World War I. Pope Benedict XV recalled the great Apostles of the Gospel who contributed much to the Expansion of Missions.

The conference was organized by Omnes Gentes, a consortium of KU Leuven, UC Louvain, Lumen Vitae and Missio Belgium. Omnes Gentes seeks to promote dialogue and collaboration among theologians from the North and South.


“La Mission vue par la Bible”
Father Paulin Poucouta, emeritus Professor Catholic University of Central Africa of Cameroun, Congo Brazzaville
“Historical panorama until 1918”
Dries Vanysacker, KU Leuven, Belgium
“Maximum Illud, 100 ans après, un texte au-delà du contexte”
Jean-Paul Messina, Catholic University of Central Africa of Cameroun
“Vatican II: the long and difficult way towards Ad Gentes”
Mathijs Lamberigts, KU Leuven, Belgium
“A vision for Christian mission: engaging the missiological significance of Maximum Illud”
Aaron Wessman, Glenmary Home Missioners, United States of America
“Le concept de mission et disciplines missionnaires dans la tradition postconciliaire latino-américaine”
Luis Martinez, Lumen Vitae, Belgium
“Éléments permanents de la mission selon José Comblin”
Alzirinha Rocha De Sousa, UC Recife, Brazil
“Les nouveaux missionnaires en RD Congo: forces, catastrophes et nouvelles espérances”
Godefroid Kä Mana, Goma, DR Congo
“Mission in the past, present and future in Asian perspective”
Bishop Yvon Ambroise, Emeritus bishop of the diocese of Tuticorin, India
“Shifting paradigms in mission: the experience of Dadara in Northwest Ghana”
Edward Tengan, St Peter and Paul Pastoral and Social Institute, Ghana
“Salvation in a wounded world: towards a spectral theology of mission”
Judith Gruber, KU Leuven, Belgium
“Le Kérygme et la catéchèse missionnaire”
Henri Deroitte, UCLouvain, Belgium
“Geloof, Kerk en missionaire aanwezigheid in 50 jaar Europa. Een blik op de toekomst met Thomas Halik”
Stijn Van Den Bossche, KU Leuven, Belgium
“Identiteit door dialoog in verschil: de missie van de Vlaamse katholieke scholen, anno 2019”
Lieven Boeve, KU Leuven, Belgium
“Dat wat is kan niet zijn: over missie in een postmissionaire context”
Toon Ooms, UCLouvain, Belgium
“L’éclatement des théories et pratiques missionnaires dans l’Église catholique”
Arnaud Join-Lambert, UCLouvain, Belgium
“Vers une écologie intégrale. Quel sens pour l’action d’une ONG catholique?”
Axelle Fischer, Entraide & Fraternité, Belgium
“Wat betekent missionair christen zijn in België?”
Mgr Jan Dumon, emeritus General Secretary of the Pontifical Society of Sint Peter Apostle in Rome, Belgium
Panelg: “Annoncer l’Évangile en Europe Occidentale aujourd’hui? Repères théologiques”
Joseph Famerée, UCLouvain, Belgium
“Vanuit een barmhartige gemeenschap zich inzetten voor een humanere wereld”
Father Michel Coppin, president of Omnes Gentes and director of Missio Belgium
“La mission selon le pape François”
Guy Bognon, General Secretary of the Pontifical Society of St Peter Apostle