Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute

I would like to present for your consideration the activities of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences, with our Licentiate and Doctoral programs in Theology of Marriage and Family, the Licentiate and Doctorate in Marriage and Family Sciences, and the Diploma in Marriage and Family Sciences.

Permit me to also enclose some the Pope Francis’ address to our International Academic Community during the audience of 24 October. This was granted to us by the Holy Father on the occasion of the Institute’s annual Council, which involves representatives from all our Sessions and Associate Centers all over the world


I believe that Pope Francis’ words captured perfectly the uniqueness and distinctiveness of this Pontifical Institute within the panorama of international academic education, while at the same time giving us new insights for our future work.

The Holy Father encouraged us in our mission and gave us important guidelines for the next steps, emboldening us “in the formidable task of supporting, caring for, rejoicing in […] this creaturely and ecclesial blessing that is the family”. He also encouraged us to continue our work “through the development of a family atmosphere and a synodal spirit in the academic community itself”. 

Similarly, our students – lay, priests and religious – describe the Institute as their “second home”, where they experience a welcoming international and multicultural academic community, the generous mentorship of professors who are open to dialogue and discussion, and a way of teaching that combines the proclamation of the Christian message and the involvement of the students within the synodal dynamics.

The enclosed brochure refers to the current academic year, but in a few months, we will be able to send you a detailed programme for the next academic year.

In the meantime, I (and all the staff of the Institute) remain at your disposal for any further information (info@istitutogp2.it). As a sign of our encouragement and commitment to supporting overseas students, I also send you an application form for a scholarship (to be sent to seginternaz@istitutogp2.it).

Instructions for scholarship’s applications

Licentiate and Doctorate in Theology of Marriage and the Family

The Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for the Sciences of Marriage and the Family, thanks to the contribution of some benefactors willing to support its academic and training activities, offers financial aid in the form of a scholarship. Find below the candidates’ requirements:

  • Religious women engaged in their own country in pastoral and social service essential for reaching families and promoting women between formation and teaching.
  • Priests with previous studies in non-theological disciplines such as economics, psychology, educational sciences, human and social sciences…, in order to encourage an interdisciplinary approach in the Theology of marriage and the family.
  • Lay people and married couples, who wish to receive a high-level formation for the service of the Church in the area of marriage and family.


Application must be presented by the ordinary Bishop or the Religious Superior of the candidate and has to be sent to the President of the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute, Monsignor Philippe Bordeyne (Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4 – 00120 Vatican City).

Application letter should contain the following information:

1.    Candidate’s full names, place and date of birth

2.    Short presentation of the candidate

3.    Indication of chosen program (licentiate/doctorate)

4.    Future commitments of the candidate after the conclusion of the studies

Documents to be attached to the application letter:

1) Curriculum Vitae of the applicant (with indication about the known languages).

2) Copy of Passport.

3) Copy of High School certificate allowing registration at university and copy of degrees required for enrolment in the chosen program of study (bachelor in theology – STB or licentiate in theology – STL, other diplomas)

4) Motivation letter written by the candidate.

5) Italian language certificate (at the beginning of the academic year the level B2 is required).

The documents must be sent by regular mail to the above-mentioned address and anticipated by e-mail to seginternaz@istitutogp2.it. The applications must be submitted by January 31, 2023.

Applications received after the deadline or with incomplete documentation will not be considered.

The outcome will be communicated directly by the President of the Institute to the Authority who presented the candidate.