(10 – 16 June 2024)
(17-26 June 2024)
Cave of Saint Ignatius (Manresa-Spain)
As a result of the International Symposium “Mystagogies of the Exercises 500 years later” (June 2022), the Spiritual Center Cova de Sant Ignasi and EIDES seeks to convene a biannual symposium on the Spiritual Exercises as a way to sustain an internationally shared reflection addressing a specific and different topic every two years.
For June 2024, the theme chosen has been Ecological Conversion. During the five-day symposium, we will reflect upon the process of the Four Weeks in light of this topic. The mornings will consist of presentations and personal reflection, and this reflection will be deepened in groups and assemblies in the afternoons, all of which in a climate of listening and discernment.
The speakers have been chosen from different continents so that the meeting enables a shared view of our world and a vision as to how the Exercises can be a means of conversion and transformation to respond to the critical situation of our planet.
Presential mode, the symposium primarily welcomes directors of Spirituality Centers and Retreat Houses as well as spiritual directors; in the online mode, the symposium is open to all those who wish to participate.
Given the international nature of this gathering, the event will be able to be followed synchronously or asynchronously from retreat centers in various countries that will locally organize the meeting, both with sessions to attend the presentations and with groups and assemblies to share reflections.
After the Symposium, we will offer the opportunity to make an 8-day retreat under the topic of ecological conversion (in two linguistic groups).
Languages: Spanish and English
The full program will appear on September 15 and pre-registration will open on October 1st, 2023.
FOR ANY QUERY, YOU CAN WRITE US AT info@covamanresa.cat