2025 Global Encounter in Assisi & other news

2025 will be a big year. We’ll celebrate the “Laudato Si’ Double Anniversary” – 10 years of the encyclical and 800 years of the Canticle of the Creatures – as well as our movement’s 10th birthday.    Lots of reasons to celebrate. And lots of reasons to recommit to this urgent mission of bringing Laudato Si’ to life. With that backdrop, 2025 will also be the climax of a major process of LSM in-person encounters, to deepen communion and synodality across our movement. Namely, our international Board of Directors recently met in Assisi and decided to host our first face-to-face Global Encounter on Pentecost that year, to also include our first General Assembly within its program. Whilst full details need to be worked out, it is envisaged that it would involve a major event in Assisi, the birthplace of Laudato Si’, with numerous synchronized events worldwide.    Building on our discernment process to strengthen synodality at LSM, the 2025 Global Encounter and General Assembly are envisaged as much more than an event. They are envisaged as a process of encounters at local and national levels starting in 2024, to then come together at a global level. It will be a true pilgrimage in which what matters the most is the journey. 
Sunset in Assisi during our production of the film The Letter.
Sunset in Assisi during our production of the film The Letter. I highly encourage you to learn more about the Board’s recent conversations and insights in this blog here, which covers a few other important topics about the future of our beloved movement.   Moreover, in preparing for these in-person encounters, an informational, online Global Encounter of our movement will take place on Saturday, February 18th, at 2:00 p.m. in Mexico City, 5:00 p.m. in Brasilia, 9:00 p.m. in Rome and 3:00 a.m. in Manila and 8:00 a.m. in Fiji (Sunday February 19th, 2023). 

I very much look forward to meeting you there. 
 Laudato Si’!
Tomás Insua Executive Director Laudato Si’ Movement
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Laudato Si’ Movement, 712 H St NE PMB 90321, Washington, DC, Washington 20002, United States