This online platform holds ongoing formation resource material.
On the Home page you will find general information on approaching ongoing formation according to our MSC Charism and spirituality. You can click on any of the slider images to go to related content. The three widgets under the slider images give some general information on Course Curriculum , Online Community, and Learning Modalities.
In the MSC Ongoing Formation tab of the main menu you will find a description of what ongoing formation we committed our selves to when we joined the Society. We note the holistic nature of the growth it calls us to. In the drop down menu from this tab you will find three pages detailing the formation philosophy behind MSC ongoing formation. For those wishing to undertake any of the courses offered on this platform it is vital that you have familiarised yourself with all of this material. The three pages are;
Further in the main menu you will see this tab About this Platform which you’re now reading from with two other tabs in the dropdown menu;
Next on the main menu is the list of the online Courses which members of the congregation may participate in. All the courses offered here require participants to have registered their interest online in the Register tab of the “Get Access” menu, and obtained written support from their major superior. Access to courses is limited to registered participants only. Once registration is approved access to a course can be obtained by clicking on the Login tab in the “Get Access” menu in the header bar at the very top of the home page.
- The Facilitators Training is designed for those who will facilitate other MSC in ongoing formation programs. MSC ongoing formation facilitators must have the approval of their major superior (provincial, union superior, regional superior, or Superior General) to undertake the training program as it will qualify them to facilitate ongoing formation and be appointed for that by the leadership in their entity.
- The other courses listed in the drop-down menu are available to any MSC. They will be offered and facilitated by qualified and appointed ongoing formation facilitators who have satisfactorily completed their training. Course facilitators may offer particular online courses to specific cohorts within the congregation. (Internationality and Mission for example is designed for those being appointed to mission outside their country of origin.)
The OGF Commission has its own tab. OGF by the way stands for On Going Formation – in English!! This page tells you about the work of the Ongoing Formation Commission and who they are.

The final tab called Latest Updates is a resource page with open access for all visitors. It contains short articles, and promotional material for other courses, programs and retreats from other institutions. We encourage you to use and contribute to this section of our online platform.
Latest Updates is also accessible on the inside pages in the right hand sidebar called Fast Food? Hopefully we will get hungry for some personal and professional development. If you click on the apple icon it will lead you to posts in the Latest Updates archive.
Or if you’re searching for something in particular you can choose by looking at the Recent Contributions or in the dedicated Categories menu, both under the apple icon.
New additions to this archive will be made regularly so do keep coming back a checking on what’s new in this section.
If you are interested in submitting appropriate material for inclusion in this archive please use the contact information in the header of the home page. You will find an mail icon next to the “Get Access” menu which you can use to submit material for consideration. The Ongoing Formation Commission retains the prerogative to choose which material appears on this platform.
On the Home page header bar you will also find a translation device. It uses GTranslate technology (Google) to create immediate translations in English, Français, Español, Bahasa Indonesia, Portugués, Nederlands, Deutsch, Korean 한국어, and Italiano. We apologise for any poor translations that occur using a service such as this. The task of translating ongoing formation material into the languages of the congregation would be otherwise monumental.
The header bar also has a General House land-line number (if you use this number please indicate that you want to speak about ongoing formation). It may be answered in Italian by General house staff.
There is also a link to our Generalate website AmeturMSC and to our AmeturMSC Facebook page if you click the Facebook icon.
Finally to mention that a PDF version of the MSC Ongoing Formation Handbook, is available on request. The document, prepared and reviewed regularly by the Ongoing Formation Commission, is a work in process and reflects the status of the material available on this online platform. Course facilitators will have ready access to materials they need to facilitate programs and such material will be available to them in the course material found here online.
We hope you enjoy using this service.
MSC Ongoing Formation Commission.