Greetings to you! Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy New Year 2022.
As we begin this new year with the on-going challenges of the COVID pandemic we are invited to live the new normal with open mind and heart. To trust in the new possibilities and to embrace the challenges with faith in God’s Love and Faithfulness.
We have two online programs for this year.
Each program will run for 3 months.
They will be on every Thursday of the month, from 1.30-4.30pm Manila time.
The Renewal program will begin on 3rd March – 9th June 2022.
The Festival of the Spirituality of the Heart will be on the 4th August – 27th October 2022.
Details will be released soon.
Both programs are open to any member who may wish to participate.
They may choose to participate in the entire program or chose to participate in certain topics only.
is no registration fee.

The Cor Vitae is team is looking forward to the 2022 programs with enthusiasm and excitement to new the surprises.
Thank you for your continued support. CONTACT US: corvitae8415@gmail.com
Wishing you every blessing as we unite to make known everywhere the love of the Heart of Jesus.
With love and gratitude.
The Cor Vitae team