Higher Institute of Religious Sciences “Ecclesia Mater”

The ‘ Ecclesia Mater is a university institute, recognized by the Congregation for Catholic Education (1973) and by the Italian State (1985) and built to provide for the cultural and pastoral theological formation of the lay faithful active in catechesis, in the animation of church groups and in the teaching of the Catholic religion.  The Institute offers two study itineraries:

  • In the three-year period, the academic degree of Baccalaureate in Religious Sciences  (= Degree) is obtained , for a basic theological formation. 
  • In the following two years, the academic degree of Licentiate in Religious Sciences (= Laurea magistrale) is obtained , which, for the pedagogical-didactic address, constitutes a qualification for the Teaching of Catholic Religion in schools of all levels and, for the catechetical – ministerial address, makes them suitable for taking on specific responsibilities and ministries in the ecclesial community.
  • Both academic degrees of Baccalaureate and Licentiate are recognized respectively as Laurea and Laurea Magistrale by the Italian State (see Official Gazette no. 160 of 10-07-2019).

Programs here are in Italian language You can check out their website in other languages at: http://www.ecclesiamater.org/