Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual & Pastoral Formation

What We’ve Been Up To…
Read our latest news here:
Drop in to one or more of our Mindfulness & Meditation sessions via Zoom
on Tuesday nights until 24 August 2021
What Graduates and Current Students are saying about Siloam
Heart-2-Practise hosts ‘Spiritual Direction on the Margins’
Working with Schools
What We’re Doing in Supervision

Come and experience a little of Siloam…
…in our Taster Session on Saturday 14 August 2021, 9.30am-11am AEST, via Zoom.
(The Session had been advertised to include in-person attendance however,
due to the current Covid restrictions, we look forward to seeing all attendees via Zoom.) 
For more information on the Taster session, click here.  

Ephphatha? Be Thou Open? (Reflection event via Zoom)
(Margaret Trainor, BA Textile Art, M Therapeutic Arts, Grad Dip Spiritual Direction)
Saturday, 28 August 2021, 10am-4pm
$60 (Book early – places limited)

This day offers you the time and space to explore new ways of attuning and responding to your personal experiences. You are invited to participate in a self-paced journey of opening your heart to your inner feelings.

As a means of valuing and holding your insights, you will be encouraged to capture experiences and reflections in a creative journal of your making. Participants will use their own simple art or creative materials and journal. A suggestion list will be provided to help you choose a few play elements.   Book Here    

Pondering Grief (Reflection event via Zoom)
(Linda Espie, BA, Grad Dip Soc Sc, Grad Dip Hum Serv Admin,
Grad Dip Experiential Creative Art Therapy, Assoc Dip Arts Welfare Studies, Adv Dip Gestalt Therapy)
Saturday 4 September 2021, 10am-3.30pm

This day offers an invitation to reflect on and honour our inner life of change and transition. With creativity, space and gentle guiding support, this workshop will offer a sacred place for the breadth of human experiencing and spirit to guide individual exploration.   Book Here

Treasuring Our Later Years Series
(In-person event, or via Zoom if Covid restrictions are in place)
(Nicole Rotaru rsm)
6 x Wednesdays, 22 Sep-27 Oct 2021, 12.45pm-3pm
$180 or $30 per session

Our ageing offers us opportunities to be awake to the new possibilities offered daily. This series will include input, conversation and the opportunity to depth and integrate reflections and learnings through personal reflection and creative expressions. The sessions will explore understandings of:  ageing; spirituality; relationships; meaning; gratitude; death. Come to one or all.   Book Here  

Reframing Retirement (In-person event)
(Simon Jenkinson, BA(Hons), MS(Clin Psych), Grad Dip Spir Dir)
Rescheduled to:  Saturday, 2 October 2021, 10am-3pm 
$60 (morning tea provided, BYO lunch)

Does our sense of vocation or calling end with Retirement?
Does the final ‘third’ of life signal a decline,
or an opportunity to encounter an unexplored terrain of life … and of oneself?
And what can our faith journey become at this time of transition?
Whether voluntary or involuntary, Retirement can be a wake-up call,
summoning us to reframe our vision and our purpose.   Book Here

Your Journal Companion:  A Journey to Embrace One’s Soul
(In-person event)
(Paul Beirne, MA, MDiv, DMin, PhD, Cert Spir Dir (Siloam), Supervisor: Australasian Association of Supervision)
Rescheduled to:  Saturdays 9 & 30 October 2021, 10am-3pm
$140 including journal materials and morning tea (BYO lunch)
  ‘You do not write your journal; your journal writes you.’
(Professor Ira Progoff, ‘At a Journal Workshop’)
Keeping a Journal is deeply transformational. In this two-day reflective workshop, in stillness, we will allow the subtle movement of our hearts and souls to overflow onto the pages of our journal, whose sections accord with the natural contours of human experience. It is just like coming home. ‘At the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.’ (T. S Eliot, ‘Little Gidding’)   Book Here    

Bookings:  Bookings for our seminars and reflection events
can generally be made up to one week before the start date
(subject to places still being available) by:
* using the Book & Pay facility on our website, or
* contacting Heart of Life by:  email info@heartoflife.melbourne or tel (03) 9890 1101.

All of our seminars and reflection events can be viewed in our 2021 Program,
which is downloadable here
Copyright © Heart of Life
All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual & Pastoral Formation
Kildara Centre, Rear 41 Stanhope Street, Malvern VIC 3144
Tel:  (+61 3) 9890 1101
Web:  heartoflife.melbourne