Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual & Pastoral Formation

A Note from the Director

I will continue the pattern set by Clare of beginning this reflection with a photo from the window of the office. How beautiful to be able gaze out of the window and watch the dance of nature as she responds to the changing seasons.

Today, we see winter in all its glory – dim skies and leafless trees and the garden feels like it has closed itself off from growth and flowering, preparing itself for the new to emerge. There are parallels between the visual image of today’s garden and the evolutionary movements of the times in which we live.

Ilia Delio notes:

We are living through one of the most significant religious paradigm shifts since the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century. Ours is less apparent but no less real. There are no theses being tacked on a wooden door as Martin Luther did but there are streams of information flowing across our computer screens that convey new religious worldviews, practices and ways of understanding reality. The different worlds of spirituality that are emerging are not simply due to young people ditching formal religion or the archaic formulas of doctrinal creeds – both of which are real – but more so, the new religious consciousness reflects a new type of person emerging in evolution. To put this metaphorically; we are not changing the furniture in the same house; rather, the house is being demolished and a new one is being constructed.

Heart of Life has understood this since its creation and its purpose is to gently form and transform hearts so a new ‘type’ of person can emerge.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will remove the heart of stone from your bodies and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:27)

It is through this quiet work that people are being formed who can contribute to the healing of the ills of our world.

Alison McKenzie


Ritual of Farewell & Welcome

Staff of Heart of Life gathered on Tuesday 30 July 2024 to mark the departure of Clare Shearman as Director, and to welcome Alison McKenzie to the role. We express our deepest thanks to Clare for her dedication to the role of Director since 2022, and acknowledge all that she has done for Heart of Life, not least, especially the transition to our permanent home in Croydon…

Imagination, Story & Jesus on Screen

Saturday 17 August 2024 10 – 3.30pm

Enneagram Day

Saturday 31 August 2024 9 – 4.30pm

Taster Sessions for 2025

We are now accepting applications for our 2025 formation programs in Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Leadership, Professional Supervision and Let the Heart Listen.  Details of each program can be found on our website.

We recommend that applications are sent to us as early as possible as our class sizes are small and a number of students are already confirmed for next year.  

Would you or someone you know like to find out more?  The next Taster Session will be held on 7th September 2024.

We invite you to participate in an at-home Retreat in Everyday Life.

This retreat spans five weeks, beginning with an introductory session on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 at 12.30 pm, and concludes with a closing reflection on Wednesday, 9 October at 1.30 pm.

Offered in-person or by Zoom, this retreat offers an opportunity:

  • to spend some time daily in prayerful reflection
  • to be accompanied by a retreat-companion once a week, at a mutually suitable time.

A weekly reflection sheet to help focus your prayer will be made available.

If interested, please apply before 4 September on our website by making a donation or by email. Places are limited.

Meditation & Mindfulness in the Christian Tradition

10 x Thursdays, 11.00-12.00, 12 September to 14 November 2024, in-person, BYO Lunch.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is time for you to listen deeply to God in your life, with the help of a Director.

Meet with one of our fully-qualified and experienced Heart of Life Spiritual Directors or book a time to receive a free session from one of our Siloam students as Directors-in-training.


Supervision is an essential requirement for anyone involved in pastoral ministry. Heart of Life endeavours to uphold the integrity of this ministry by offering Individual or Group Supervision, where pastoral journeys are shared, and skills and sensitivity increased through professional guidance.

Do you follow us online?

Stay connected with us online through Facebook and Instagram. We post exclusive content for your reflection, along with the latest updates to what’s going on within the Heart of Life community. #heartoflife

More exciting news for August at Heart of Life click here…