John Paul II Institute Online Open Day

 The Open Day initiative allows you to get to know a unique Institute of its kind, which promotes the family as a school of humanity, a precious resource to be cared for, protected and accompanied. EDUCATIONAL OFFER 2023-2024 Meeting with TEACHERS Meeting with STUDENTS The online Open Day will allow you to connect from all over the world, attend the presentation of the courses and meet teachers and students (from over forty different countries) confronting them in four virtual classrooms: Theology, Science, Caring School and Secretariat. Registration for training programs is open from June 2023 (start of lessons: Monday, October 2 2,023)


 Licenza in Teologia del Matrimonio e della Famiglia  – Licentiate in Theology of Marriage and Family (STL) Objectives: to produce a theology in dialogue with the other sciences to allow the local Churches to better accompany families, especially those suffering from wounds, and to accompany them by ensuring that the resources of their cultures renewed by the light of the Gospel are valued. Duration: 2 academic years (120 ECTS). Admission requirement: Baccalaureate in Theology, at least laude.   Learn more about the Licentiate in Theology
  Dottorato in Teologia del Matrimonio e della Famiglia   – Doctorate in Theology of Marriage and Family (STD) The Doctoral School has the task of making possible and manifesting the community process of research, the construction of a common tradition respecting differences and the maturation of a shared intelligence nourished by the contribution of each one. It favors the specialization and transdisciplinary training of those who want to deal with family realities at the highest academic, research and teaching level. Duration: 3 academic years. Admission requirement: Licentiate in Theology magna laude.   Further information on the Doctorate in Theology
     Licentiate in Marriage and Family Sciences Objectives: to deepen the skills in the field of social research and empirical study of family institutions, with particular regard to the political, legal and pedagogical implications affecting the life of families, their members and the social contexts in which they live. Acquire advanced analytical skills and consolidated practical skills in the management of complex social systems, in interdisciplinary study, in collaborative research and in the construction of cooperative networks in ecclesial, social and civil spheres. Duration: 2 academic years (120 ECTS). Admission requirement: university degree of at least three years.   Learn more about the Science License
  Dottorato in Scienze su Matrimonio e Famiglia  – Doctorate in Marriage and Family Sciences The Doctoral School has the task of making possible and manifesting the community process of research, the construction of a common tradition respecting differences and the maturation of a shared intelligence nourished by the contribution of each one. It favors the specialization and transdisciplinary training of those who want to deal with family realities at the highest academic, research and teaching level. Duration: 3 academic years. Admission requirement: Degree in Science, Master’s Degree or equivalent.   Learn more about the PhD in Science
  Diploma Internazioanle annuale in Scienze su Matrimonio e Famiglia  – Diploma in Marriage and Family Sciences Aimed mainly at those who wish to acquire a basic Christian and professional formation in the field of family accompaniment. It is particularly suitable for those who carry out organizational and pastoral tasks in the field of marriage, education, and assistance to people with fragility.  Duration: 1 academic year (60 ECTS) Admission requirement: High school qualification valid for access to university in the country of origin.  Learn more about the Science Diploma
Caring School “Care and social innovation” Objectives: to imagine, design and accompany new care networks, to experiment with new forms of living together and new practices of informal alliance between generations, cultures, institutions and social bodies. The guidelines of the Caring School are: to promote the family dimension in personal services; train in the field of care leadership and social innovation; network professional skills, social subjects and territorial institutions Duration: 6 modules (from November to April) Face-to-face and online participation methods Learn more about the Caring School

Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4
00120 Vatican City
Phone: +39 06 698 86 113
fax: +39 06 698 86 103

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