For the 2022-23 academic year thee Angelicum is inaugurating the St. Catherine of Siena Scholarship Program, which we are starting to provide financial support for religious sisters who want to study at the University. The scholarship recipients will relocate to Rome for one year to study in one of three 1-year diploma programs:
Diploma in Theology (Practical Wisdom Track): Students will be introduced to the principles of systematic theology as they relate to moral and spiritual theology, which are topics at the heart of the Dominican tradition in the service of the wider Church. Students will be presented with a fundamental orientation in theological studies, especially in Christian doctrines relating to ethics and spirituality. The diploma will be offered through our Faculty of Theology.
Diploma in Theology (Theology in Action Track): Students will be provided with a foundation in Catholic ethics through an understanding of the fundamental principles from moral theology, Catholic social teaching, and canon law. The diploma will be offered through our Faculty of Theology.
Diploma for Formators: Aimed at preparing future educators and religious formators, this program exposes students to a broad curriculum of theology, spirituality, human sciences, and psychology. The focus is not only to promote the intellectual growth of the students, but also to prepare them to communicate the knowledge they acquire with others. The diploma will be offered through our Higher Institute of Religious Sciences Mater Ecclesiae (Faculty of Theology).

The scholarship covers the entirety of the academic fees for the year and provides a generous housing stipend. The University can help sisters to find appropriate housing, or this can be organized directly by the congregation.
Moreover, scholarship recipients will have access to two dedicated chaplains and program advisors, to help them integrate in their new surroundings and to ensure they have ample spiritual resources.
The program is designed to foster the intellectual development, moral autonomy and spiritual growth of the scholarship recipients, by exposure to one of the Church’s foremost academic centers and its rich curriculum of theology, spirituality, canon law and social sciences and therefore empower them as effective Christian servants and leaders as they return to their home regions.
For more information and to apply, please contact; catherinescholars@pust.it