ONLINE Modality: 11 – 15 June 2024
Whoever wants to be merciful needs a strong heart open to God. A heart that allows itself to be impregnated by the Spirit and guided along the paths of love that lead us to Him.
Lent is a favorable time to show interest in others and the ecological crisis we’re experiencing, with a concrete gesture, even if it is small, even if it’s a change of attitude, of our participation in humanity and ecology.
Online registration gives access to the live broadcast of the Symposium presentations and communications, as well as access to the recordings of the same to access them later (in case of not being able to connect live).
As a result of and continuation of the Symposium on the Mystagogies of the Exercises 500 years later (June 2022), the Spirituality Center of the Cova Sant Ignasi (CIEI), the Ignatian School of Spirituality (EIDES) and an Intercontinental Committee have taken the task of convening a biennial Symposium on a specific issue related to Ignatian practice. The theme chosen for next June 2024 (10th to 16th) is how the experience of the Exercises can promote an awareness and a change in attitude towards the ecological crisis. Through speakers from various parts of the world who are engaged in this field and who have reflected on the spiritual experience it entails, we will study the Four Weeks of the Exercises in order to explore the potential they contain to respond to this challenge. The Symposium is aimed primarily at those who accompany the Exercises, have responsibilities in the formation of Ignatian spirituality or direct Retreat Centers and Houses of Spirituality.
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