Free online course – from 4 to 25 July 2022
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Free Online Course (Massive Open Online Course)
Date: July 2022
Topic: Common Discernment and Decision Making in the Church
Web: https://bit.ly/registersynod
The Synod on Synodality has been inaugurated in October 2021 by Pope Francis and will culminate with the celebration of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2023. This event represents a new stage in ecclesial life that invites us to generate processes of conversion and reform in order to build a Synodal Church for this third millennium.
The present intercontinental and intercultural project proposes to accompany formation of more than 100.000 people in the theology and practice of synodality through a series of free online courses to support all the people of God —bishops, priests, religious men and women, lay men and women— who have been called to this process of ecclesial renewal.
All the courses are completely free of charge and will be offered online in several languages —Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Italian. In addition, speakers from all continents will participate in the courses, which will allow us to have a global and intercultural vision of the Church.
The first course will be held in July 2022. Over a period of three weeks, different topics on Common discernment and Decision making in the Church will be offered. We invite you to register and get involved in the challenge of imagining and building the Church of the third millennium.
Organizers: Dr. Rafael Luciani (Venezuela), Dr. Carlos María Galli (Argentina), Dr. Agenor Brighenti (Brazil) (Latin American Members of the Theological Commission of the General Secretariat of the Synod), Dr. Félix Palazzi (Director of “Formación Continua”, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry)
Sponsors: Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano y caribeño (CELAM), Consilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae (CCEE), Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC), International Union Superiors General (UISG), Unione Superiori Generali (USG), Confederación Latinoamericana de Religiosos (CLAR), Union des Conférences Européennes de Supérieurs/es Majeurs/es (UCESM), Conferencia de Provinciales Jesuitas en América Latina y el Caribe (CPAL).
Lecturers: Anne Arabome, sss (Africa), Mons. Faustino Armendáriz Jiménez (Mexico), Nathalie Becquart, xmcj (Vatican), Philippe Becquart (Switzerland), Mons. Raúl Biord Castillo, sdb (Venezuela), Alphonse Borras (Belgium), Carmen Bernabé-Ubieta (Spain), Juan Bytton, sj (Peru), Christine Danel, xmcj (France), Samuel Fernández (Chile), Gloria Liliana Franco Echeverri, odn (Colombia), Carlos García de Andoin (Spain), Mons. José Saúl Grisales (Colombia), Judith Gruber (Germany), Gregor Hoff (Germany), Christina Kheng (Asia), Laurence Loubières, xmcj (Canada), Rafael Luciani (Venezuela), Shane Mackinlay (Australia), David McCallum, sj (USA), Serena Noceti (Italy), Josée Ngalula (Africa), Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, sj (Africa), Carlos Schickendantz (Argentina), Br. Emili Turù Rofes (Italy).