On January 16, 2024, the Supervised Pastoral Education programme commenced for the six Pastoral year students at the Pacific Regional Seminary. This programme was facilitated by Fr. Augustine Kim, MSC. The SPE programme aimed to foster personal and professional growth, Read More …
Latest Updates
Spiritus Edición Hispanoamericana – La misión al servicio de la vida
La Palabra de Dios, la presencia de Cristo y la vida del Espíritu Santo se revelan y se hacen próximos en la fe viva y comunitaria de los cristianos. La Experiencia y la praxis de las comunidades constituyen entonces el primer lugar teológico de una reflexión sobre la vida de la fe.
Lo mismo pasa con la reflexión misionera. A partir de la experiencia y de la acción concreta, del encuentro y del diálogo con los no-cristianos, del nacimiento y del
crecimiento ininterrumpido de la Iglesia se va construyendo la teología de la misión.
Spiritus es una revista trimestral, fundada en 1959 y llevada por un grupo de institutos misioneros masculinos y femeninos en Francia. A partir de 1996, se amplía la revista y comienza a salir una edición hispanoamericana de la revista en Quito, Ecuador. Spiritus quiere, dentro de esta visión, identificar y profundizar en las cuestiones que hoy en día se le presentan a la experiencia misionera, esclarecer y
fortalecer la misma vocación misionera, y poner de relieve las dimensiones del crecimiento y de la apertura que son la vocación de todos los cristianos.
SOFIA Fundraising Workshop for Missionaries
International Symposium 2024 on the Spiritual Exercices and Ecological Conversion
ONLINE Modality: 11 – 15 June 2024 Whoever wants to be merciful needs a strong heart open to God. A heart that allows itself to be impregnated by the Spirit and guided along the paths of love that lead us to Read More …
Course on Synodality for Canon Lawyers
Course on Synodality also for canon lawyersProgram / MOOC 3 Synodality – Sinodalidad – Sinodalità Soon a course on being a synodal church will be offered free of charge in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Portughese. You can watch Read More …
SEDOS SPRING SEMINAR ‘Mission of Hope: Mission gifts from each Continent Today’
We would like to inform you about the upcoming SEDOS Spring Seminar on the 21 March, 2024. The theme is, ‘Mission of Hope: Mission gifts from each Continent Today’ Venue: UISG, Piazza di Ponte Sant’Angelo, 28, 00186, Rome. Please hurry with the Registration. Please find the provisional program of the Read More …
International Conference for the Ongoing Formation of Priests
Speaking of “generative” service, the Pope said service is “the identity card” of Christ’s ministers. He recalled that the Lord witnessed this by His entire life, and particularly at the Last Supper, when He washed the feet of His disciples.
“Seen in this light,” the Pope said, “formation as service is not simply the transmission of a body of teachings, but also the art of concentrating on others, bringing out all their beauty and all the good that they carry within, shedding light on their gifts but also on their shadows, their wounds and their desires.”
Zoom Online – Ancestral Grace – Diarmuid O’Murchu MSC
Easter Retreat
Workshop on Interpersonal Skills
A seven-day workshop aiming to equip participants with practical knowledge, insights and exercises; to make use of one’s own talents, qualities and capabilities in working together; to handle daily challenges, within and outside the community; based on understanding, appreciation and respect. It is specifically designed to facilitate priests, men and women religious toward a harmonious intercultural living, and working relationship in their respective contexts.