Mission of Hope – SEDOS Spring Seminar – 21 March, 2024

En-We would like to inform you about the upcoming SEDOS Spring Seminar on the 21st March, 2024. The theme is, ‘Mission of Hope: Mission gifts from each Continent Today’ at UISG, Piazza di Ponte Sant’Angelo, 28, 00186, Rome. Looking at the possibility, we decided to arrange lunch for the participants. Therefore, the Registration fee Read More …

Ongoing Formation MSC Indonesia

If we understand Spirituality of the Heart as the underpinning structure of our lives, we see that it shapes and colours our perceptions and actions. While at the centre of our life and prayer our spirituality is more than a devotion, more than a theology; its movements are part of the human experience and give us a way of seeing ourselves and our mission in relation to God. In July 2022 the MSC Indonesian Province brought its younger men together in Bali for two weeks of Ongoing Formation [OGF]. Here there are three video presentations, produced by the wonderful media office of the province, on the content of that OGF.

Studies in Interreligious Dialogue

This Fellowship Program will welcome its 15th cohort of Russell Berrie Fellows to study at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum). It is a one-year academic fellowship for students pursuing a Licentiate Degree in Theology (STL), with a specialization in Ecumenism and Dialogue, or earning a Diploma in Interreligious Studies. The application deadline is April 25, 2022.