Ongoing Formation MSC Indonesia

If we understand Spirituality of the Heart as the underpinning structure of our lives, we see that it shapes and colours our perceptions and actions. While at the centre of our life and prayer our spirituality is more than a devotion, more than a theology; its movements are part of the human experience and give us a way of seeing ourselves and our mission in relation to God. In July 2022 the MSC Indonesian Province brought its younger men together in Bali for two weeks of Ongoing Formation [OGF]. Here there are three video presentations, produced by the wonderful media office of the province, on the content of that OGF.

Natural mysticism by Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton expert Kick Bras wrote a book about the natural mysticism of Merton. How has that changed his own view on climate, sustainability and nature? In the notebooks of the famous American Trappist monk Thomas Merton (1915-1968) we discover a natural mysticism and an ecological ethics. These are not only reflected in the books Merton wrote, but also in his diaries published twenty years after his death. In lyrical terms, the monk describes how he experiences nature and what it means for his contemplative life.

Protecting Our Rights

Pope Francis’ Motu proprio, establishes new procedures for reporting abuse and violence. The document covers not only violence and abuse against children, but also abuse of authority. This includes cases of violence against religious by clerics, as well as abuse committed against adult seminarians or novices. One way to protect people is to provide good them with training in being assertive, so that they can challenge unacceptable behaviours, or to feel confident to report them to authorities. This article discusses assertiveness and what it involves.

Inter Gentes Renewal Program

Why INTER GENTES? This renewal program has an intentional focus on self, mission and interculturality, referring to the experience of community living, life, and ministry among people from different ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, genders, and age groups, thus the name Inter Gentes. Women and men religious, and diocesan priests may consider the Inter Gentes Renewal Program as a transitional time to review and renew their commitment to the mission of God in this ever—diversifying world.

Section 10 – Self-Understanding – Passion & Priorities

The skills associated with prioritizing are significant for religious life and for living our missionary identity with integrity. When we sharpen our focus and direction, energy becomes available for action in those priority areas. In Section 10 of Self-Understanding, we will now delve into the dynamics of prioritization and examine how these dynamics influence and are influenced by our passion.