Training in Spiritual Direction, Supervision, Leadership at Heart of Life

Would you like to join us in our 40th Year?

Heart of Life celebrates its 40th birthday in 2023, having witnessed over 1100 women and men – lay and ordained – graduate from our spiritual formation programs. Our graduates, in their journey of contemplative discernment following the way of the heart, have been listening, discerning, and taking up formation roles in communities across the globe since 1983.
There are several ways you can do this…

Become a Spiritual Director…

The Siloam Program for the Formation of Spiritual Directors is available:
• in-person
o Full-time in Melbourne (1 Year, Feb-Nov 2023) or
o Part-time in Melbourne (2 Years, Feb-Nov 2023 & 2024, Mondays 8.45am-4.30pm AEST),
and for the first time, in 2023…
o Part-time in Sydney (2 Years, Feb-Nov 2023 & 2024, Mondays 8.45am-4.30pm AEST)
• via Zoom
o Part-time (2 Years, Feb-Nov 2023 & 2024, Mondays 8.45am-4.30pm AEST)

Siloam is a program for the formation of competent, experienced spiritual directors. The lecturers and supervisors at Heart of Life foster a discerning, contemplative approach whereby spiritual directors-in-formation become more and more attuned to the movement of God’s Spirit in themselves and in their directees.
The Program is the longest-running program for the formation of spiritual directors in Australia. It was first offered in 1979 by Brian Gallagher msc, and Heart of Life has continued the Program since it’s inception in 1983 to this day, building a national and international reputation for excellence. It is open to women and men of varying faith and cultural traditions, who are drawn to listen deeply to their own hearts, and the hearts of others, and seek to discern whether they may be called to the ministry of spiritual direction. Study can be taken over one year full-time, or two years part-time (Mondays, 8.45am-4.30pm AEST).
In 2023, the Full-time stream will be delivered in-person. Students wishing to study the Part-time stream can do so either in-person or online.
The Siloam Program is recognised by the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction as meeting its standards for the formation of spiritual directors in Australia. The program’s approach to formation is soundly experiential and is based on solid theological, biblical and social sciences theory and praxis. A discerning, contemplative attitude is integral to all seminars and practical work. Regular reflection, prayer time and a commitment to one’s own spiritual direction are essential to the program.
For those applicants who meet the ‘previous Degree’ criteria, Siloam may be studied as a Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction through Yarra Theological Union / University of Divinity. Fee-Help is available to qualifying Australian citizens for Tuition fees. The Siloam Program is recognised by the Australian Ecumenical Council for Spiritual Direction (AECSD) as complying with, and fulfilling, AECSD’s Contemplatively Forming Tomorrow’s Spiritual Directors: Formation Guidelines for Spiritual Directors in Australia.

Join our Taster Session via Zoom
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 7.30pm-9pm

Register here

To access more information on Siloam, including the brochure, application form and Graduate feedback, please click here.

Become a Professional Supervisor…

The Emmaus Program for the Formation of Professional Supervisors is available:
• in-person or via Zoom
• Part-time, 18 months (Feb 2023 to June 2024)

The Emmaus Supervision Program has been developed in response to demand for professional supervisors for those in individual ministry – clergy, Religious Sisters and Brothers, pastoral care practitioners, spiritual directors, spiritual health workers, etc. It is a program for the formation of competent, experienced professional supervisors.
The program is open to women and men of varying faith and cultural traditions, who are drawn to support the ministry journey of others and seek to discern whether they may be called to the ministry of supervision. The program will suit those who are looking to move into this area of work who have at least five years’ experience in their particular ministry. The program draws on the encounter of the two disciples with Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).
The lecturers and supervisors at Heart of Life foster a discerning, contemplative approach whereby supervisors-in-formation learn to attend to their supervisees and walk with them as they seek to recognise what may be hidden to them, opening their eyes to their potential for growth in their particular ministry.
The Emmaus Program will build on Heart of Life’s national and international reputation for excellence in its Siloam Program, which is Australia’s longest-running program for the formation of spiritual directors.
Emmaus is studied part-time over eighteen months. It can be studied in-person or via Zoom. The program comprises a number of intensives, and 2 x 14-week seminars, followed by monthly gatherings to continue supervision input and practice. The program begins in February and concludes in June the following year.
Emmaus’s approach to formation is soundly experiential. It is Christocentric in its spirituality, praxis-oriented, and firmly based in grounded theory.

Join our Taster Session via Zoom
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 7.30pm-9pm

Register here

To access more information on Emmaus, including the brochure and application form, please click here.

Become a Spiritual Leader…

The Spiritual Leaders Program is available:
• via Zoom, outside of business hours
• Part-time, 1 Year (Feb-Nov 2023)

The Spiritual Leaders Program focuses on the personal integration of the theory and practice of a contemplative and discerning approach to pastoral ministry. It is designed for school principals, teachers and others in education, lay ecclesial ministers, pastoral care practitioners, nurses and others in health and aged care, clergy, ministers, members of Religious Orders, and community and spiritual leaders.

The program is delivered via Zoom outside of business hours – selected Saturdays and Thursday evenings – and involves seminar work, individual and peer group supervision, verbatims, role plays, and reflection/prayer gatherings. Topics covered include: the leadership exercised by Jesus, Christian prayer and mysticism, spiritual practices in world religions, the nature and source of interior movements, contemplative decision-making etc.

Spiritual Leaders can also be credited for 36 points towards the following University of Divinity awards: Diploma in Theology, Bachelor of Theology or Bachelor of Ministry. The Diploma requires completion of eight standard undergraduate units, whilst the Bachelor options require completion of 24 standard undergraduate units. Fee-Help is available to qualifying Australian citizens for Tuition fees. More information is available here.

Join our Taster Session via Zoom
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 7.30pm-9pm

Register here

To access more information on Spiritual Leaders, including the brochure, application form and Graduate feedback, please click here.

Listen contemplatively to your heart and the hearts of others…

The ‘Let the Heart Listen’ program is available:
• in-person or via Zoom
• Part-time, 1 Semester (Feb-Jun 2023, Thursdays 9.30am-12.30pm)

The Let the Heart Listen Program is an invitation to:
• enter into a process of transformation, connecting you with the deeper mysteries of your own heart
• open your heart in compassion for, and connection to and with others
• deepen your relationship with your Divine Companion, especially in the vulnerable aspects of your life.
The program involves joining a small group of participants for seminar work including: the principles of listening and discernment, facilitated group participation, guided reflection, feedback from facilitators and peers, self and peer evaluation.

Join our Taster Session via Zoom
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 7.30pm-9pm

Register here

To access more information on Spiritual Leaders, including the brochure, application form and Graduate feedback, please click here.

A range of formation programs are offered by Heart of Life in 2023.
We encourage applications at the earliest opportunity
as places are limited.
An interview (in-person, via Zoom or by telephone) forms part of the application process.

For more information, please contact Heart of Life by
email or tel (03) 9890 1101.

Copyright © Heart of Life
All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual & Pastoral Formation
Rear 41 Stanhope Street, Malvern Victoria 3144
Tel: (+61 3) 9890 1101