Natural mysticism by Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton expert Kick Bras wrote a book about the natural mysticism of Merton. How has that changed his own view on climate, sustainability and nature? In the notebooks of the famous American Trappist monk Thomas Merton (1915-1968) we discover a natural mysticism and an ecological ethics. These are not only reflected in the books Merton wrote, but also in his diaries published twenty years after his death. In lyrical terms, the monk describes how he experiences nature and what it means for his contemplative life.

Pope reflects on state of the world

Pope Francis, in an interview to the Argentine state news agency Telam, reflected on the world situation today, the conflict in Ukraine, which he said was a time to rethink the concept of a just war, the post coronavirus situation, the importance of youth, role of the United Nations, the environment and his pontificate. Telam provided an English translation that Vatican News published on July. 

Midlife Opportunities – Making Ends Meet

Often called the “Midlife Crisis”, this significant period of transition in life is an encounter with the increasing limitations of aging, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This two-day seminar was offered in June 2022 by Chris Chaplin MSC for the Divine Word Missionaries sabbatical program held at Nemi, an hour out of Rome. A PDF version of the PowerPoint of his presentation is made available here for your reflection.

Charism, Spirit, and Mission

Fr. Carl Tranter MSC presented the Cor Vitae Renewal Program session on 4th June 2022 on Zoom. The Topic was “Charism and Spirituality” and in his presentation he looks at Charism, Spirit, and Mission according to the mind and heart of Fr. Jules Chevalier. The PowerPoint of his presentation is made available here for your interest and study.