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Multilingual Course on Synodality

Registration now open for the Multilingual Course on Synodality promoted by the Evangelii Gaudium Centre It is with a first introductory lecture entrusted to Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod, on 17 January 2023 that the multilingual course on synodality promoted by the Evangelii Gaudium Centre Read More …

Documents on Synodality

Cardinals João Braz de Aviz (Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life) and Mario Grech (Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops) sent a joint letter to all the general governments that are members of the USG (Union of Superior’s General of men’s institutes of religious life) and UISG (International Union of Superiors General of women’s relgious institutes), inviting them to “reflect on the exercise of governance within institutes and the relations between the various institutes” (17 January 2022), as a way of actively participating in the Synod process on synodality. The present document (In French, Italian, Spanish and English) reflects the contributions that were received. We recommend the document for your study and for use in your work with members of the Chevalier Family worldwide, in all its branches.

Chevalier Family Ongoing Formation Facilitation Training 2023

The next MSC Ongoing Formation facilitators training course will be held face to face, 4-18 June 2023, at the Ursuline Convent, Via Nomentana, Rome. This training course is for Ongoing Formation facilitators or coordinators in your province, union, or region. More information will be provided next year. Expressions of interest are welcome now!! get in early.

Spiritualitas Hati Dalam Lintasan Sejarah

This article “Spirituality of the Heart from Historical Perspective”, has been written by Fr. Johanis Mangkey MSC, of the Indonesian Province, for the novices of the Indonesian Province. He presented it to them over a series of days in October this year. The article is in Indonesian but can be translated using the online translator on this site. It is posted here especially for the reflection of our Indonesian MSC. We thank Fr. Mangkey for his insight and experience which he has shared over many years with the congregation, through his time in the General Administration, provincial Administration and with members worldwide.

Ongoing Formation MSC Indonesia

If we understand Spirituality of the Heart as the underpinning structure of our lives, we see that it shapes and colours our perceptions and actions. While at the centre of our life and prayer our spirituality is more than a devotion, more than a theology; its movements are part of the human experience and give us a way of seeing ourselves and our mission in relation to God. In July 2022 the MSC Indonesian Province brought its younger men together in Bali for two weeks of Ongoing Formation [OGF]. Here there are three video presentations, produced by the wonderful media office of the province, on the content of that OGF.