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Sobre Julio Chevalier

Es ésta una pregunta que algunas personas nos hacen cuando nos llegan a conocer. Ciertamente, el fundador de los Misioneros del Sagrado Corazón no es santo en el sentido de que esté canonizado. Se están llevando con paciencia los trámites para que un día sea oficialmente reconocido como tal. Pero, por ahora, nos tenemos que contentar con creer que “santo” es todo persona que vive unida a Cristo, en “gracia de Dios” decían nuestros mayores, esté viva entre nosotros en el tiempo o muerta que es estar viva en la eternidad. San Pablo, en alguna de sus cartas, llama “santos” a los que siguen a Cristo viviendo unidos a Él: “Saludad… a todos los santos que están con ellos” (Rom 16,15). “Os saludan todos los santos, especialmente los de la casa del César” (Flp 4,21-22. Cfr. 1Co 16,15; 2Co 13,12).

The educator at the crossroads: to bind or to untie – Webinar

December 12th at 5.00 pm at the Institute’s Auditorium with “The educator at the crossroads: binding or untying” , which will see the theologian Pierangelo Sequeri , director of the Chair and creator of the reflection path, confront the popular psychiatrist Paolo Crepet , who for many years has explored the issues of youth hardship and the crisis in the educational world.

Abuses in the Religious Life and the Path to Healing

As we explore the implications of Safeguarding more resources come to hand. Here is a worthwhile book to read entitled, Abuses in the Religious Life and the Path to Healing by Dom Dysmas de Lassus. Sexual abuse is not the only mistreatment practiced in the Church. There is also spiritual abuse. Brother Dysmas, Carthusian master, patron of the hermits, comes out of his silence to denounce the unacceptable behavior of religious superiors and founders of communities. Rooted in the monastic tradition and the robust theology of religious life, Father presents elements that will assist everyone in evaluating the dangers of certain spiritual practices and methods of community government.

Training in the Practice of Group Facilitation

Training in the Practice of Group Facilitation 2024.
Online Course in English March 1 to June 10, with Intensive Practicum in Rome April 22 to May 3, 2024
Online Course in Spanish June 24 to September 25, with Intensive Practicum at Juiz de Fora, Brazil August 12 to 24, 2024
The Training is a 14-week course is divided into 8 online modules and a 2-week residential intensive.

Pastoral Supervision

It may come as a surprise to many of you to hear that the process we call pastoral supervision, also sometimes referred to as reflective or ministry supervision finds its roots in the Gospels.  Mark tells us that Jesus fires sent out his disciples and upon their return invited them to  “come away to a lonely place and rest.’  (Mark: 6: 31).  In this way Jesus provided the much-needed space for his disciples to reflect upon their experience and gain new insights and support for the task ahead. 

Heart of Life Spirituality and Pastoral Centre 2024 formation programs

Full-time Siloam Program for the formation of Spiritual Directors Please note: Applications for the 2024 intake have now closed, however late applications will be considered on their merits. The internationally-renowned Siloam program for the formation of spiritual directors continues to Read More …