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Creation as God’s Love Story

In his letter for this year’s Season of Creation, the theme of which is ‘Listen to the voice of creation’ Pope Francis says that as we listen, we can hear in the voice of creation a discordant note: a sweet song in praise of the Creator; and, an anguished plea, lamenting our mistreatment of this our common home. She weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and to her destruction. Fr. Claude Mostowik MSC writes.

Jules Chevalier and the Integrity of Creation

Warren Perrotto, MSC, writes his reflections on the Integrity of creation from the perspective of our founder Jules Chevalier MSC. The link between the call to love and the contemplative capacity to see the inter-relationship between ourselves and all creation is fundamental to Chevalier’s charism.

Natural mysticism by Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton expert Kick Bras wrote a book about the natural mysticism of Merton. How has that changed his own view on climate, sustainability and nature? In the notebooks of the famous American Trappist monk Thomas Merton (1915-1968) we discover a natural mysticism and an ecological ethics. These are not only reflected in the books Merton wrote, but also in his diaries published twenty years after his death. In lyrical terms, the monk describes how he experiences nature and what it means for his contemplative life.

Festival of the Spirituality of the Heart: in Sacred Scriptures

The first presentation of the Festival of the Spirituality of the Heart explores the biblical basis of the Spirituality of the Heart. These first two presentations are offered by Fr. John Peter, MSC, of the MSC Indian Union. He investigates the heart in Sacred Scriptures, then explores the operations of the heart of God, the heart of humanity and the heart of creation in Sacred Scriptures. He concludes with questions and challenges to the Spirituality of the Heart in our contemporary times.

Master in Bioethics and Training

This is the novelty of the proposal of the Master in Bioethics and Training and the fruitfulness of the collaboration between our two Institutes. The decades-long experience, very rich and pioneering in Italy of the Institute of Bioethics at the Catholic University, in contact with the most burning issues of medicine and in international dialogue, meets with the contribution of the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute.

Pope reflects on state of the world

Pope Francis, in an interview to the Argentine state news agency Telam, reflected on the world situation today, the conflict in Ukraine, which he said was a time to rethink the concept of a just war, the post coronavirus situation, the importance of youth, role of the United Nations, the environment and his pontificate. Telam provided an English translation that Vatican News published on July.